Facebook – How to remove theself from an Event on Facebook when the “Attendees” are not displayed


Facebook have removed the option to remove an Event whilst on the same page as the actual Invite.

I did find the new information for removing an Event by going to the Event

  • Declining and then going to the Attendees list displayed on the left side
  • clicking Invited
  • Once the box opens, clicking the drop arrow and selecting Declined
  • You can then click the X which removes you.

However, now I am getting Events where people aren't displaying the Attendee information on their Events. Which means I can no longer remove myself.

Even if you Block an individual, the Event does not disappear. If it's a Page that is sending the invite you can't block them. I have tried unliking the page and that does nothing either.

I get lots of invites to events, which I use for reference, but I only want to see the events that I am going to attend or have attended.

How can I do this?

Best Answer

Actually, there is a way to remove an event. You have first to join or decline, then you click on the "going" list or "Maybe" list. You'll find yourself & a small "x" next to it. Click "x" to remove the event.

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