Facebook – How to Search a Text Keyword in a Page


I once liked one text post from one FB Page without clicking its like button (because basically I like every text post from this page).

Now, I have to refer that text post in my writing, but the thing is I forgot which post that has that text keyword, I tried searching that keyword by including the name of my FB Page and the keyword on the Search textbox at the right of Facebook's Earth icon, but that didn't work.

How can I search a text keyword in a Facebook Page? So that I can get its post, the one and only, just like when I got a twitter status that has the text keyword I searched.

Best Answer

If the term you are searching for is pretty specific you could try:

  • entering the search term in the Facebook search box.
  • Select See more results for %your search term%
  • Then in the left hand menu select Public posts