Facebook – Share a Single Photo from an Album Without Linking the Whole Album


Each and every time you hit Share on a picture, the link Facebook creates will open not just the picture in the lightbox, but the whole album of the picture.

How to prevent that to be able to share only the picture?

Best Answer

Open the pic in either in the same tab (Inline) or in another tab...

In case you have opened it in the same tab (the pic opening in a frame above the previous page)

  1. click on Options at bottom
  2. click on Get Link

In case you have opened it in a new tab

  1. Click on Get Link which you will find on right- bottom of the picture

ALSO: In case you don't even want the person recieving the link to read the comments, do this:

  1. Open the pic in full

  2. Right click on the pic and then Copy Image URL .

    This link should look something like https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/263265_377992872319381_1411429080_n.jpg

  3. sharing this link would mean sharing the pic only, and nothing else