Facebook – How to stop Facebook from deleting a link in the post


When you post something on your timeline (personal profile) that contains a link, Facebook will create a preview of the link (using the Open Graph information provided by the linked site) and put it under your post. Recently, while the link is still visible when creating/editing a post, it won't show up in the post itself.

So this post:

Here's a link:
-> http://example.com

… becomes this when posted:

Here's a link:
generated preview

Is there any way to prevent Facebook from removing the link from my post?

Edit: Here are some screenshots to demonstrate this behaviour, as requested by @ale.

Here's what my post looks like when I edit it:

post in editing mode

And here's how it appears on my timeline:

post in timeline

Best Answer

The preview is an actual link itself. The links are actually not removed when you post, it would be great if you can attach some screenshots.

To double check, I tried creating one post and checked the same in the desktop and mobile as well. Works as intended.