Facebook – How to stop unknown people on Facebook from poking or sending Friend requests to me


There does not seem to be any way in the current Facebook settings for stopping unknown people from poking me or reducing the "Can send friend request" list to narrower than "Friends of Friends". Any suggestions how to achieve this?

Best Answer

I'm not sure the second part of the question question makes sense...

If you think of Facebook connections as ever-widening circles, you have:

  • Yourself
    • Friends
      • Friends of Friends
        • Strangers

You want to reduce the "can send friends request" to "narrower than 'Friends of Friends'", right? But if you look at the hierarchy above, exactly who would include? Either "some" Friends of Friends, which Facebook would need to know how to narrow to "some", or just to "Friends". If the latter, well, Friends don't need to send you a friends request, true?