Facebook – How to synchronize comments between WordPress and Facebook


I import my WordPress posts into my Facebook account as Notes. I end up having two separate sets of comments for the same blog post this way.

Is there any way to do a two-way synchronize of these comments?

Does the Comment Box (Facebook social plugin) accomplish this?

Meaning.. if someone leaves a comment on the imported note in Facebook, would it appear in the comments list in Facebook if I used the plugin?

Best Answer

I do not think it is possible.

The best way would be to just share your post summary as a status update and basically have the users click to the your blog to read more.

This is the reason the whole Graph API/Facebook Connect came out and everyone started using the like plugin.

Also to support why I do not think this is possible is the case of TechCrunch. They are a Wordpress.com VIP member and I have not seen any feature like this on their site.