Facebook – How to tag a page in a Facebook photo that isn’t among the three pages found by the search


If I want to tag a page in a photo (new way of adding a photo to a page's photo album), I type @ and then the page name, and a dropdown is shown with a list of candidates. What happens is that some times it doesn't show the page I want among the options, only finding pages with, for instance, very few people on it. Or if I want a page for a musician, it shows the wikipedia page, not the official one.

I have the page link, I "like" the page, the page has photos added to it (so it's in theory possible and permitted to do this), but the page still doesn't show on the list.

Best Answer

Facebook has a FAQ for this: I can't tag a Page in a photo.

You can only tag certain types of Pages in photos at this time. These include Pages most likely to appear in photos, such as brands, people and products. If a Page is eligible, you don't need to like it in order to tag it in a photo.

If you manage a Page that's eligible to be tagged in photos but you're currently unable to do so, let the Pages team know so we can try to fix what might be broken.