Facebook – How to unhide friending activity in recent activity on Facebook wall? (says I have no stories hidden)


My recent activity doesn't show the part that says I am now friends with somebody. How do I get it back? I have already tried going to options at the bottom of my wall.

For most people, if you go on to your wall, scroll right down to the bottom of your page and click on "Edit options" on the right hand side, a box should open saying "Edit your profile story settings" and you just click the x beside friending activity. The problem I'm having is that it says I have no stories hidden.

Best Answer

Go to your activity log. At the top it will say posts and apps, switch to all. Now you will literally be able to see everything you did, including the things you searched for on Facebook and the profiles you viewed. You will also find friending activity you hid, so you can unhide.