Facebook – How to Update Facebook Profile Without Announcing


How do I update my profile Basic Info, such as location, education, job, etc. without triggering a notification on Friends' Notification (upper left) or their Wall/Timeline/Recent Friend Activity page. I notice things like "User X has posted/updated their profile for the first time in a while", which I DO NOT want. I DO want friends who visit my actual page to see the the new info, also without any indication that this has been updated (as in recently, I guess).

Question: If I set Basic Info privacy levels to "Only Me", update the Basic Info, wait 24 hours (why? because things take time), then switch the privacy level back to "Friends Only". Will this accomplish what I am looking for?

Best Answer

  1. Click the update info button of whatever information you wish to update and hit edit.
  2. Click the privacy setting button next to the specific item you will change, and then change the setting to “Only Me.”
  3. Enter your new information, and then save it. Because you set the privacy setting to "Only Me" no one will see the information on their feed but can't see it on your timeline either.
  4. Click the Activity Log button near the top of your timeline
  5. Click the pencil button next to whatever update you just made and select "Hidden from Timeline"
  6. Return to your timeline and go back to the update info section and whatever new information you just updated, and change it's privacy setting back to it's original state. Because you have hidden the update on your own timeline, the update won't appear in your friends timeline either, but if they very specifically click on your page they will see the updated information.

Waiting 24 hours does nothing other than moving that information further down peoples timelines and notifications. This method will make sure that it never appears on their timelines in the first place.