Facebook – How to view a history of posts to the Facebook wall


Is there a way to view a listing of old posts to my Facebook wall? I've been using Facebook for a number of years, and I have accumulated hundreds of postings on my wall. How long are those posts stored on Facebook's servers, and how can I look at the old ones?

I know you can click the link "view older posts", but that only takes you back one page a time, and to get to the really old posts would take hours that way.

Best Answer

Try ArchivedBook

Archivedbook is a great way to review your Facebook profile's history!

  • View all the old wall messages from your Facebook friends.
  • View all your old status updates.
  • Check how many likes and comments got posted on your profile since the last 30 days.
  • ...and you can also view the same data about your friends!