Facebook – I do not have a FaceBook account but keep receiving emails


How do I stop people that I don't know emailing me to ask me to be their friend?

Why do the emails that I receive think that I will know a list of people that I have never heard of?

Best Answer

There is an option on Facebook that scans the contents of a members' address book and sends out invites to people not already on Facebook. If someone has done this then you should have at least heard of them, having presumably exchanged e-mails at some point in the past.

Double check the links contained in the e-mail by examining the source (the option will vary depending on your e-mail client) - it could be a scam designed to get you to think you are signing up to Facebook as a means of getting personal details from you. It sounds like you've done the sensible thing so far and not clicked on any of the links.