Facebook – How to Stop Receiving Password Reset Emails


My Facebook username is Francky and I keep receiving Facebook password reset emails. How can I avoid that?

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Facebook
Date: Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 12:31
Subject: Somebody requested a new password for your Facebook
To: Franck Dernoncourt

Hi Franck,

Somebody recently asked to reset your Facebook password. Click here to
change your password.

Alternatively, you can enter the following password reset code: 241041
Didn't request this change? If you didn't request a new password, let
us know immediately.

Change Password

This message was sent to
franck.dernoncourfght@gmail.com at your request.
Facebook, Inc.,

Attention: Department 415,
PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Best Answer

People who confuse first name and Facebook username request password reset with your Facebook username (which turns out to be a first name in your country). There is no way to prevent such e-mails, apart from creating in your e-mail client a filter based on some keywords present in such password reset e-mails.

enter image description here

UPDATE (2014-02-05): Just saw this screen:

enter image description here

right after

enter image description here

which is the page you land on when clicking on "Click here to change your password." in the email. Not sure how often it appears.