Facebook – I somehow lost the admin role of the own Facebook Page


For some unknown reason, my Facebook Page has no Admin. I created the Page myself and have even assigned 2 Editors, but when I checked the page roles last month, I noticed that my status has changed from Admin to Editor. Now we are 3 Editors and no Admin.

Please do note that I did not accidently demote myself as Facebook does not permit that when you are the sole admin. I also did not promote someone else to Admin and got myself demoted that way, because even if that did happen there would still be at least 1 Admin left.

If you check the attached image below you'll see that there are in fact no Admin on my Page, which means this has to be a bug?

Any suggestions on what I should do?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Follow this path. Options > Report a Problem. Use as many details as you need.

enter image description here

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