Facebook Status – Will Friends of Likers See My Update?


The privacy settings of Facebook puzzles me. This is a thing I can't figure out:


  1. I post a status update on Facebook, setting the privacy to "Friends".
  2. A friend of mine, let's call him Joe, likes my update.

Which one of the following things happens after that?

  1. Joe's friends sees the like as well as my update in their feeds

  2. Joe's friends do not see the like in their news feed, but they can access it by going to Joe's page.

  3. Joe's friends do not see my update nor can they see the like or original post in any way.

Best Answer

If your status update is posted to only Friends, and no one is tagged in your post, then Joe's friends will not see the post or the Like on the post unless they are also your friends. This is (c) if there is no tagging or mutual friends.

If it is posted to Friends and Joe is tagged in the post, normally that will make the post and Like visible to Joe's friends as well. Joe's friends may see it in their News Feed, although they may not (Facebook determines what it thinks is most relevant for your News Feed, especially if you have a lot of friends). Joe's friends may be able to see the post on Joe's profile/timeline, although Joe may have removed it from there or may have changed this using his Privacy Settings.

If a post is not visible to someone then that person will not be able to see Likes on the post either.