Facebook – In Facebook, how to cleanly link to a Japanese Wikipedia URL that contains a ・ (nakaguro)


On Facebook, try to post a Japanese Wikipedia URL containing a (nakaguro) character (like http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ) and you will get a broken link:

Facebook 中黒 link

Notice how ・ダ・ヴィンチ has failed to become a link (red arrow above), probably because is mistaken as a kind of delimiter. Notice also that the preview does not have this problem.

One option could be to post the encoded URL, but my message would look really ugly:


How can I solve this, and post this as an URL which:

  • is nice-looking
  • actually works when clicked


Removing the link altogether is not a good option, because I actually need the preview for another link. Also a scenario that happens often: I take a picture of ヴィクトル・スタルヒン and I post it with the text "Hey I just met http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ヴィクトル・スタルヒン in the street!". So my question is really for links inside the text part. Also, I have hopes that a solution would also work in comments.

Best Answer

Why do you want to post a link, along with the preview? Isn't the clickable preview enough?

If it is, then you can write/paste the URL, let the preview load, then delete the URL and write your actual message. The preview will stay there and your post won't contain any URLs, nakaguro problems or not.