Facebook – Instagram account linked to Facebook, but cross-posting option not showing when creating Facebook Post


I have a page on Facebook and it IS linked to Instagram. My Instagram account is a business account and it is also linked to Facebook.

When I try to create a post on Facebook the option to cross-post to Instagram is NOT showing and I don't know why it wouldn't be there if the account IS linked?

What else do I need to do?

I tried posting from Instagram and turned ON the "post to Facebook" and "post to twitter" options. It successfully posted to Twitter, but NOT to the Facebook page.

Linkedenter image description here

Not showing cross-post:


Best Answer

I had the same problem, the option doesnt appear, but I've found Facebook gives you another integrated tool where you can do it, it's called creator studio.

Facebook creator studio

There you can create a post from Facebook for Instagram, and checkmark that it also appears in certain Facebook page.