Facebook – Is is possible to get Facebook to send me an email when someone RSVP’s to an event


Since I don't poll my Facebook events page, (i.e., log on every few minutes), I'd like to get notifications when someone RSVPs to an event I administer.

I just looked at the notification section on Facebook and only saw:

– Invites me to an event
– Changes the date or time of an event
– Cancels an event
– Makes me an event admin
– Posts on the wall of an event I admin
– Changes the name of an event to which I was invited

Best Answer

Not a very helpful answer, but this is indeed not possible currently. It's probably for privacy reasons, same as when you're not notified of unfriendings.

Additionally (but surely less of a reason), events are often used large-scale and you'd go crazy if you get an email for each of the 300 people attending.

However, there is a slight chance that http://betterfacebook.net/ is of assistance in your case, but I never tried it myself.