Facebook – Is It Okay to Ask Fans to Share Your Page?


Facebook now allows non-admins to invite their friends to like a page, if some of your friends already like that page.

This article says that we shouldn't ask page fans to "invite their friends to like a page", but I couldn't find anything about it in the Facebook Pages terms.

Is it ok to ask page fans to share the page with their friends? (or invite their friends to like it)

Best Answer

I disagree with your opening statement. As written in Facebook's official Help Center, only Page admins can formally "invite" friends to a Page. Non-admins can share the page with others, but not formally invite.

The portion of the article that you are quoting is referring to the prohibition against using Facebook features and functionality specifically when running (or promoting) a promotion.

As part of one's day-to-day engagement with fans, it is perfectly acceptable to include "calls-to-action" such as "invite your friends", ... etc.

BTW: not everything written in this article is (currently) correct. For example, many of the restrictions regarding what can or cannot appear in the Cover photo have been relaxed. The main restriction that remains is the "20% text rule".