Facebook is not displaying any messages


This is how it looks currently:

When I click on Messages, it dims out and then doesn't display anything. I have tried the following:

  • Refreshed the page.
  • Tried it in latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
  • Tried it on different computers.
  • Disabled adblocker and similar plugins.
  • Send a bug report for over a month ago without any respond.
  • Loaded up a picture of Mark Zuckerberg and spat on the screen.

There you go. I know what the issue is. For a great while ago, Facebook introduced something in Messages (where the screen dimmed and you could enter username, phone and similar, or simply choose to skip, I am sure someone remembers this) and since then, I can't get the window to show on my account, to skip those steps… therefore, it is stuck like this.

Best Answer

Use this form to report an issue with blank messages.

Report an Issue with Messages