Facebook – Is this Facebook layout legitimate or a scam


I've been having some trouble loading Facebook on Chrome. At first my wall simply didn't load and many of the options were not working properly. A few moments later a trojan was found in my computer after a quick MalwareBytes scan and I've been wondering whether it was possible that I was not really on Facebook but some kind of trap site to get passwords.

This is the current layout that only shows up in Chrome. I've tried loading Facebook with several other browsers and devices and they are still displaying the "older" layout. Even Chrome Incognito mode is showing a different layout. Is it possible that this is a scam? If so, what do I have to do to remove it?

enter image description here

I tried deactivating Chrome extensions one by one but none of them seems to be the cause for this.

Best Answer

Chances are they were running an A/B test of a new design, or were pushing new code. Facebook software release includes pushing new code to a small portion of its users to verify it's functioning as designed. You most likely had a cookie allowing you to see the new design, and it was on that specific browser. Reinstalling Chrome changed your cookies, and wasn't selected that time.

In a week or so, you will see it on all browsers.