Facebook – I’ve set the Facebook “Fan Page” to forward users to the company’s website instead of the FB page. How to reverse this


A few months ago, I set my company's Facebook page to forward users directly to my company's website (instead of taking them to the usual fan page on Facebook).

I've realized that this isn't an advantage for me (I miss out on many of the social features of having a proper "fan page"), and I'd like to remove the auto-forward… but there doesn't seem to be a "forward to" setting that I can revert.

Am I just missing it in the Page Admin section, or was the act of assigning a "forward to" address irreversible?

Best Answer

When I setup a Facebook campaign I had the Wall redirect to a different tab on the Fan Page. Once the campaign was over, I changed the default landing page to be the wall again. That setting was under Manage Permissions >> Default Landing Tab (pick from a drop down).

I don't know if this helps but might get you looking in the right area.