Facebook join date is hidden from timeline but still visible to public


I have already hidden the "Facebook join date" from my timeline (by hovering over it, selecting edit or remove (the pencil) and then Hide it from timeline). Right now, I cannot see this date if I go to my timeline and scroll down to the beginning. That makes sense. However, when I view my profile as public (by clicking the blue downward arrow just beside the Activity Log and then selecting "view as"), this "Facebook joining date" is still visible to everyone.

Is that a bug? If not, how can I hide or delete it?

Best Answer

You cannot delete it.
However, you can hide it.
Go to Activity Log> find that post (should be on bottom).
If you see an icon in the right-hand side of the "post":
click on it, and choose "only me" (you may need to click on a "view more" option to see it).

If you don't see an icon, tap on the "post" (or, on a PC, hover over it with your mouse - and, to be sure - hover over or tap on the right-hand side), and you should see the icon appear, then do as above, the "Solution".