Facebook – keep the own Facebook profile content hidden to members of a private Facebook Group of which I am the administrator


I have put together a private Facebook Group for my camera club, and as the administrator, I have had to get its members to either open an account with Facebook in order for them to join the Group, and/or I have had to get existing Facebook members to 'request friend' with me on my personal Facebook account in order for me to add them to the private Group.

The problem I have is that I don't want them to have access to my Facebook profile – only the private Facebook Group. I don't want to share my own timeline with the Group. How do I remedy this?

Best Answer

I have a few facebook groups. Have you tried the "Closed" privacy setting? Anyone can see the group and who is in it, but not the posts. Secret, you have to add them from your friends list, or a member can add them and you have to approve them.