Facebook Keyboard shortcut to post (submit) or save a post

facebookkeyboard shortcuts

I tried to find a simple shortcut to submit a post or save a post on Facebook. However, it seems Facebook is ultimately for mouse users.

What I found:

  1. https://www.facebook.com/help/156151771119453
  2. http://blog.heyo.com/save-time-with-facebook-shortcuts/

The only "workaround" I came up with: Hold Shift and hit Tab 3 times, then hit Enter.

But a shortcut like on the Stack Exchange sites, Ctrl + Enter would be a great time saver.

PS: One idea is to use a user script, e.g. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/2711-ffixer (it enables many shortcuts, still the post shortcut is missing).

Best Answer

May 2018: It's possible with Ctrl+Enter.

This works in the new form of status posting (which suggests you to also update your story) - I don't remember how it was before.