Facebook – Likes Hidden in Timeline Visible in Stream?


If I like any page on Facebook, it will normally automatically appear on my timeline and my friends will be able to see this on my profile and in their news feed. Now I have hidden the tab 'likes' and activated the option on my timeline not to show my likes.
If I like a new page now, will it appear in the news stream of my friends?

Best Answer

Facebook is intentionally vague on this issue. See here

Normally if it doesn't appear on the timeline, it will not appear in a news feed. So, if you choose not to share something and it doesn't appear, it won't go to news feed. If it does, however, come to timeline, you have to implement the audience control.

What you need to do is see if it shows up on your timeline. If it does, you can delete it or change the audience

If in doubt, always turn on timeline review to stop things from getting through.