Facebook – Linking Facebook’s Like button to the Fan page


Facebook recently launched the new embeddable Like button. I previously setup a Facebook Fan Page for my site. Can I link the Like button to my fan page?

The fan page is important to me because I'm syndicating content to it. However, I like the Like application because it's dynamic and shows how many people like something. Is there a way to combine them?

Edit – to clarify, I don't want to just add the Like button, I'd like it to be linked to the existing fan page. E.g., users that already liked my existing Fan page should already (automatically) appear as liking the new Like widget.

Best Answer

you have to use a "like box" instead of a "like button": http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box

to sort out your 'Facebook Page ID' just log on to your fan page and check the url. the number at the end of the url is your page id.