Facebook – Links posted to Facebook page with Twitter not previewing correctly


I have my Twitter account connected to my Facebook page. When a tweet is posted to Facebook, that also contains my website’s URL, Facebook picks a random image from my home page, and crops it badly. The description is also wrong, which is just the first handful of body characters that appear on my page, including the page title “Home”.

I have set a default image and description with og:image and og:description tags respectively. And the Open Graph Object Debugger correctly shows this meta data. Posting of this link in other areas of Facebook result in the correct link preview.

So why are the links of my tweets in Facebook so badly previewed? Could it be something to do with Twitter's URL shortener?

I really don't even need the preview as it's only a copy of a tweet. I'd be interested too if I could disable link previews somehow. But only for posted tweets.

Best Answer

The issue seems to be with Twitter rather than the og:image settings in your site.

I too have had this problem. If I share a link to my site directly on FB then the correct og:image is chosen and it is sized correctly. If however I share the same link on Twitter and use Twitter's build in facilities to share to Facebook, the correct og:image is shown in FB but it's horribly distorted and stretched.

For a while I thought it was the settings on my site but I tried this with links from other sites and the same happens.

I've tried contacting Twitter support but not had much luck.