Facebook – List management on the latest version of the Facebook website


This applies to the Facebook website

The help section on Facebook's site has articles pertaining to how lists can be created, managed and deleted but all this material applies to a version of Facebook that I have been moved on from.

On the latest version of the site, I am trying to find a way to see all my custom lists, see who is a part of them and manage those lists.

I am able to see if a particular friend is part of a list by going to my friends list, finding that friend and seeing what lists they are part of but this is a really cumbersome process.

Edit: a screenshot of what I see on my left menu

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's a little hidden, but this is what I found.

  1. In the left menu, find the section labeled FRIENDS
  2. If you hover your mouse pointer over that section, a link MORE will appear. Click that.
  3. Now you should see a list of the system-level lists that Facebook has (e.g., Close friends, Acquaintances), the lists automatically created for you (e.g., schools, former employers, etc.), and your custom lists.
  4. Click the list you want to manage. (Delete the list or add it to your favorites by clicking the pencil icon instead.)
  5. On the right-hand side will be a heading "In this list" with some number in parentheses, just above some small thumbnail images of other profile photos. Next to that is a link See All
  6. Click that link and you'll get a popup where you can search for people to add or click the X in a profile photo to remove that person