Facebook – May I create a Facebook Page for a client


A client has requested that I see about creating a Facebook page for her organization – a nonprofit. She does not use Facebook herself, though I do. I am not a member of the organization, if it matters.

Is it possible, or even appropriate for that matter, for me to create and manage a page for the client? Will there be any way to transfer control of the page at a later time to a member of the organization?

Best Answer

Yes, it is perfectly possible, and appropriate to create pages on behalf of an organisation (or brand or product for that matter). It's very rare that a client will be able to manage their online presence, especially if they are none-technical : that's the reason why they employ marketing agencies after all.

Create the page via http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/manage/ - be aware that in order to set the "pretty url" (e.g. faceboom.com/my-charity), the page needs to have a minimum number of people "connected to it" (fans). Currently this figure is 25.

After the page it set up, you can add additional Admin users to allow them to control / edit the page. I guess you should therefore be able to transfer ownership by adding the new owner, and then removing yourself (though I haven't tried this so I can't confirm).