Facebook – merge a Facebook company page and an application


I already have a page for my company that has more than 240 friends. On the other hand I recently started to develop a Facebook App (that has the same name) to use the Graph API from my company's website. The problem is that I don't want to lose my fans nor start again ads campaign, etc.
Is there any way to merge those two or make an Facebook App from the company's page?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Currently, Facebook doesn't support it from standard interface. But, Facebook can merge your page with app if you contact them. Facebook once accepted my request few years ago.

240 isn't a big number. So, its likely that they wouldn't listen. But, go try.. specially when your company has big offline profile.

In case you're out of luck, post the link of app on page with catchy words many times. It can draw attention of existing fans. And, if they are really fan, they'd like your app for sure.

Put link of app on welcome tab of page, too. Its for your existing ad campaigns.