Facebook – ny way to change the Facebook username more than once


I was wondering if there was some way I could go into the site's code and directly edit the variable for my username? Or anything like that?

Best Answer

In short no. However there seems to be a hack out there (I've not tested this)

As per Facebook’s condition and terms, it does not allow the users to change their facebook usernameafter setting one. But this simple technic allows to do that. To change your username, you just have to deactivate your account. But don’t worry you will not loss any data, because you can re-activate on next log in. Follow the steps below.

Step 1 Go to account settings from the button on top right Click on ‘Security’ Then click the option ‘Deactivate your account.’ Give explanation as “Its temporary”.

Step 2 Then log in again with your email and password. Done Your account is re-activated.

Step 3 Go to account settings from the button on top right. Edit username. Done. Your account username is changed.

Source: How can change username of facebook more than once?