Facebook – Difference Between Wall and Timeline


What is the difference between the wall and the timeline? How do these two behave differently? Also, what is the difference between the wall and the news feed?
Also, is the mini feed and activity log the same thing? Also, what is FBML?

Best Answer

The wall is basically the old name for the Timeline, when Facebook introduced Timeline, they renamed the wall Timeline.

The newsfeed is a stream of your friends Facebook activities. Your wall (aka Timeline) is your own list of activities you have carried out on Facebook.

The mini feed is also known as the Ticker bar, that shows a "real time" condensed stream of what your friends are "liking", "commenting on", "posting", "attending" etc, in a narrow column to the right of your newsfeed. The activity log shows a list of activities you have done on Facebook, including things you have liked, commented on, been tagged in, etc and lets you either delete those activities or limit their visibility on your timeline.

FBML was a web page layout language based on HTML, used for creating content on Fan Page applications, Facebook have phased this technology out now.