Facebook Status – Only Show Status Updates on the Feed


Is there a way to only see status updates on the Facebook feed? There was a feature in the previous versions of Facebook, but I think they have taken it out. Is there any workaround? Or any app that does that?

Best Answer

I have yet to try it, but after a Google search I came up with this link: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/79506

It's set to show only status messages, videos, photos, links and events but, apparently, he'll be adding an option to let the user choose which to see when.

If you want to only see status updates, all the time, just leave this

/* Status */
allowedmsgs[11] = 1;

as is and set all the other flags to "0" instead of "1".

If you're on Chrome you can follow the instructions at http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24790/beginner-guide-for-greasemonkey-scripts-in-google-chrome/ or do a Google search.


It seems like Chrome natively works with Greasemonkey scripts, by the way, so you should have nothing additional to install. Just click "install" after downloading the script.