Facebook – Prevent our friending activity to be pushed to our friend’s newsfeed


Whenever we add a new friend, this activity gets pushed to the newsfeed of a random subset of our friends.
This seemingly happens even if our friends list is set to private.

Is there a way to keep our own friending activity private, and it to be pushed out to our friends?

I found also this discussion on facebook: How do I stop my recent friend activity from appearing on my friends' newsfeed? , and it seems that these guys found no solution as for now.

Best Answer

The other answer linked in the comments says you can remove the stories and the stories themselves match the privacy of the activity

For example, as far as I know if you don't want a 'X is now friends with Y' (where you are 'X') story appearing to your other friends, set the visibility of your friends list such that they can't see it, then they'll only see that 'X is friends with Y' story if they're also friends with Y and can see you on their friends list.

TL;DR - if i can't see your friends list, i can't see stories about who you became friends with unless i can see THEIR friends list and see you on it