Facebook – prevent people from commenting on the Facebook Photos


I know you can prevent them from posting on my wall, but can I stop them from posting comments on pictures?

Alternatively can I make it so that no one can see my photo albums?

Best Answer

It appears that this can be done if you do the following:

  1. Click on the "Edit Info" link after you log in
  2. On the left nav bar click on "Apps"
  3. Click on "Edit Settings" in your Photos App
  4. At the bottom of the dialog box in TINY print you can click a link called "modify privacy controls"
  5. At the bottom of this page you can click "Customize Settings"
  6. FINALLY look for the heading titled "Can comment on posts" and select "Customize" in the drop down list. From here you can select "Only me"

I'm not sure if I'm making this harder than it needs to be or if Facebook intentionally makes it this difficult...