Schedule Facebook Page Posts via API


Is there a way to schedule future posts to a Facebook Business Page via the Facebook API?

Best Answer

You can now schedule posts for a Facebook page.

You can prepare a post and schedule it to appear later by adding a date and time in the future before you post it. You can schedule a post up to 6 months in advance in 15-minute intervals.

From your Page's sharing tool:

  • Choose the type of post you want to add to your Page * Click the clock icon in the lower-left of the sharing tool * Choose the future year, month, day, hour and minute when you'd like your post to appear
    • Click Schedule


If you choose a date in the past, the post will appear immediately at the appropriate place on your Page's timeline. All times correspond to the current time zone you're in.

Source: Basics » Explore Popular Features » Facebook Pages » How do I schedule a post to appear on my Page later?