Facebook – really displayed on Facebook’s timeline – and how to preview it


When I preview my timeline as someone else in my privacy settings, I cannot see f.e. the articles that I currently liked or the comments I wrote. However, when reviewing my timeline, they all appear as publicly visible. Browsing my timeline on a friends iPad showed all the articles that I newly liked.

So my question is:

  • Do all likes I put and comments that I write under articles, images, etc. that friends of mine shared, appear for everyone? I did not find any way to remove them from the timeline, except deleting them alltogether.
  • Why does the preview of my timeline "as someone else" not display those current likes and comments?

Best Answer

its because when you like something or comment on something it goes to friends news feeds and the timeline, posts your profile pictures, cover photos, and other friends who wrote/post on your timeline