Facebook – Region-specific user-submitted content on a Facebook page


I am in a process of setting up a page for a band which would have geographically-diverse fan base. What I am after is:

  1. Have each language-specific community see only the comments made in the same language. For example, an English fan would see community discussion in English and a German person in German (based on FB language/region)
  2. I would still like to have a single page for all of the activity to make it easier to have larger 'like' count.

Is there any way to achieve the above or do I need to create two separate pages?

Best Answer

On your page go to Edit Page ยป Edit Settings. In the Manage Permissions tab ensure that Post privacy gating is checked and click Save Changes. This will allow you to restrict posts to specific regions or languages.

Post privacy gating checkbox

When you post, click on Public and then Location/Language, set the location or language that you want for that post, and press Gate Post. Only those in that region or with that language setting will be able to see the post.

Location/Language Control Who Can See Post dialog

An alternative is to target your post by language, location, or other criteria. The difference between gating and targeting is that targeting still allows others outside of the targeting criteria to see the post, for example if they visit the page directly or if one of their friends from a different region likes it or comments on it. Gating hides the post completely from those outside the gating criteria.

Target vs. Gate