Facebook – Request new work network on Facebook


Any idea how to request Facebook to create a network for my employer? It's a small company (50-ish people).

The existing Facebook question on this has several suggested options, none of which seem to work anymore.

Best Answer

As far as I can Google, Facebook is not currently making new networks. All of the discussions I've seen suggest that Facebook isn't responding to new network requests anymore (or even talking about networks for long enough to confirm that!).

This makes some sense from the point of view of our Facebook overlords if you consider the fact that networks used to be the primary way to decide how much information you shared with whom. In bygone days, you could share information with friends, friends-of-friends, or your whole network. Now, the options are friends, friends-of-friends, everyone, or "customize" - in which you get to pick specific people who can see your post. The main purpose of a network has been "phased out", and I wouldn't be surprised if networks disappear entirely in the next year or two.

The other function of networks - to group people who go to the same school or work for the same company - has been replaced by "fan pages" that are connected to your profile when you enter where you work or go to school.

[n.b.: this is all conjecture on my part. But it seems to make some sense, don't it?]