Facebook – How to Remove Own Status Updates with Script or App


I am totally aware of this question, however this isn't a very elegant solution that seems very buggy or even outdated, judging from the comments.

I heard that there was a Greasemonkey/UserScript that would achieve the same goal: Removing all my own status updates from the Facebook profile (but for example not what other people have posted me). I could not find it – has anybody got an idea?

In other terms – would it be possible for me to write my own Facebook app that achieves that goal, i.e. by using the Facebook API?

Best Answer

You can use an app like Exfoliate, available on Android phones, that can delete everything you’ve posted on friends’ walls, including comments and likes, as well as your own wall. It cleans out photo galleries too. You can set the age of stuff you want deleted too. Search for Exfoliate in the Android Marketplace to find it, or:
