Facebook – see replies to users I’m not following in the timeline


I follow a corporate account that uses that channel to reply to users of their products.

Sometimes they reply to some user I am not following, and I see that tweet in my timeline, there is no space or any other character before the @ symbol, so I shouldn't be seeing it.


Does anybody know if this is a bug in twitter, a known issue, or a trick used by that account to make their tweets more visible?

Best Answer

Because the tweet in your example is not a reply (note that it doesn't show the tweet they're replying to). A tweet is considered a reply when you click the "reply" function in the website or a Twitter client. This sets the in_reply_to_status_id parameter of the tweet, which is how Twitter knows it's a reply to a specific tweet. If you simply begin typing, even if there's a @username right at the start, the in_reply_to_status_id parameter is not set, so Twitter doesn't consider it a reply and people who follow you will see the tweet even if they don't follow @username.

I hope that clears things up.