Facebook Privacy – Turn Off Viewing Public Tagged Photos


Currently, to someone that views my timeline as Public, they are able to see all my photos. I've been looking at my Account and Privacy settings, but no where is there a change that allows me to turn off all photos from being viewed as Public. This is a bit disconcerting to me, as that opens up a lot of people being able to see my photos, regardless of their affiliation to me.

Is there a setting that allows me to turn off all Public access to my photos, and only my Friends can view these photos?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to go into your Privacy Settings. Under "Who can see my stuff?" there's an option to "Limit past posts". Choosing that option should take everything you've previously shared to "Public" or "Friends of Friends" to simply "Friends".

You'll also, of course, want to make sure your setting for future posts to something more restrictive.