Facebook – Share Facebook insights for all the company without needing to setup individual accounts


We have a page at something like facebook.com/%companyname%/page_insights but only the users who were given explicit access at the company page’s admin panel can view it.

And we all have @companyname.com kind of email address and if I need to add 20 accounts as "insight analystis" to people who would then need to create a new facebook account, well, that's just not going to happen. So…

Is there any simple way to make it visible to everyone at our company?

Couple of things I am thinking of, out of the box:

  • maybe there is a public unpublished link — like many photo albums on the web do
  • or I'd create a "shared account" with restricted access — in which people would login with a shared password but are unable to change the password or any account setting.

Best Answer

There is not way to add more than one Admin Manager at a time to a Facebook Page.

You can have unlimited Admin managers for any of 5 Admin roles; however, each Admin must have a Facebook personal profile and be added 'one-by-one.'

You would likely choose "Insights Analyst" [view Insights only] for general employee population adds.