Facebook shortcut Alt + Del for archiving messages has stopped working

facebookkeyboard shortcuts

Some months ago, the shortcut Alt+Del for archiving messages on Facebook stopped working. From what I can see in this help file (the Norwegian version), the shortcut is currently supposed to be Ctrl+Del—that does not work either.

Is there a workaround for this? I'm using my Facebook messages actively as an inbox, and this shortcut used to save me a lot of time.

Best Answer

Techverse claimed a complete list (March 5, 2015):

Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts

You can press these buttons on your keyboard to use Facebook faster.

j, k – Scroll between News Feed stories
p – Post a new status
l – Like or unlike the selected story
c – Comment on the selected story
s – Share the selected story
o – Open an attachment from the selected story
enter - See More of the selected story
/ – Search
q – Search chat contacts
? – Show this help dialog

Ctrl + Alt + 0 - Help
Ctrl + Alt + 1 - Home
Ctrl + Alt + 2 - Timeline
Ctrl + Alt + 3 - Friends
Ctrl + Alt + 4 - Inbox
Ctrl + Alt + 5 - Notifications
Ctrl + Alt + 6 - Settings
Ctrl + Alt + 7 - Activity Log
Ctrl + Alt + 8 - About
Ctrl + Alt + 9 - Terms
Ctrl + Alt + m - New Message

The Shortcut key combinations for Facebook are different based on which web browser you’re using. However the newsfeed shortcuts are same for all the web browsers. Keyboard combination for different web browsers.

Keyboard combination for different web browsers.

Find the right combination of keys for your browser in the list below, and replace # with the access key number listed under Access Keys below.

Internet Explorer for PC: Alt + #, then Enter
Firefox for PC: Shift + Alt + #
Safari for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
Firefox for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
Chrome for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
Chrome for PC: Alt + #

Access Keys

0 – Help ( Example: If you are using Chrome for PC, press ALT + 0 to bring up the helpcenter )
1 – Home
2 – Timeline
3 – Friends
4 – Inbox
5 – Notifications
6 – Settings
7 – Activity Log
8 – About
9 – Terms

Keyboard Shortcuts

News Feed

j and k – Scroll between News Feed stories
enter/return – See more of the selected story
p – Post a new status
l – Like or unlike the selected story
c – Comment on the selected story
s – Share the selected story
o – Open an attachment from the selected story
/ – Search
q – Search chat contacts
? – Open a list of these keyboard shortcuts while in News Feed

Web Messenger:

CTRL + g – Search conversations
CTRL + q – Show/hide keyboard shortcuts
CTRL + Delete – Archive/unarchive conversation
CTRL + j – Mark as spam
CTRL + m – Start a new message
CTRL + i – Go to Inbox
CTRL + u – Go to Other