Facebook – Suppress notifications in top menu about new Likes for Facebook Page admin


I have admin rights on three Facebook pages for organizations. However, I really need to stop the many daily notifications appearing in my top menu pulldown telling me when this or that new user has Liked the page or liked this or that image in the page. These are totally cluttering up my "new items" notices in that menu.

How do I tell it to tell me LESS about those three pages I have admin roles on, up in that top pulldown menu?

In short: I really want my little "globe" pulldown menu to not have items about the pages that I am ADMIN of. I want the "globe pulldown menu" to only have items about my PERSONAL facebook account.

Best Answer

Ok I've been looking for this more than 15 minutes and I think I can conclude that this is just not possible.

Weird thing is that I own 5 pages myself as well, but only get these notifications from 1 of them. What I have to add, though, is that only that 1 page ever has notifications :)

So I just don't think this is possible. You can maybe try do degrade yourself from Admin to Editor. But probably you will lose the ability to revert this.