Facebook Suspicious Account Access from private IP space


I received a "Suspicious Account Access" notification from Facebook telling me that someone has logged into my account from a "computer, mobile device or other location you've never used before". When I logged into my account, Facebook showed me a page which claims my account was accessed from "".

Facebook Access from

The range is not publicly routed IP address space, it is reserved for local use, so this is not a case of someone trying to access my account over the public Internet.

Has anyone else seen anything similar? Does this mean that someone at Facebook is trying to break into my account, or is this some kind of bug in their system?

Best Answer

The i.p address which you have been provided is class A i.p address i.e it is meant only reserved for private use and can be used inside any organization(i.e it might be from any of the shared computers of the network). Facebook wont try to break into your account, click on i didn't recongnize and navigate to next tabs, usually facebook would trace the ip location too ,if you suspect it's an issue then report here