Facebook – Synching Facebook group events -> Google Calendar -> public RSS or similar


We have a Facebook group where various people create events. To make them more widely visible (not everyone has a Facebook login), we share them (read-only) via Wallflux to a Google calendar too. This is convenient for those with Google logins, but for those without, we further used to create a public version via Yahoo Pipes / RSS (again read-only, and no login of any type required).

Yahoo Pipes is now defunct, so we're looking for another free & easy way to do this. We have no server (can't install apps anywhere) or budget, so the ideal would be a web app somewhat like Yahoo Pipes, where we can simply tell people a URL and when they access it, it reads in from either the GCal or FB URLs and outputs a basic listing that everyone can view (even just the event's basic date/time/title). Most of the 'Yahoo Pipe replacements' we've seen (along with IFTTT, Zapier etc.) look too complex: we only need one function. Suggestions?

Best Answer

I don't know that you need anything beyond Google Calendar.

To test, I created a calendar and added some events. Then I made it public.

Then I went to Calendar settings and chose the URL for the iCal version of the calendar. The URL looks like this: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/{alphanumeric key}%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

I then opened another browser and made sure I didn't have any Google accounts logged in. I went to Outlook.com and imported my calendar link and it was added without a hitch. So I think making your calendar public and publishing the .ics URL will do what you want.

If you want something that will do more to your Calendar data, you probably want to ask about it on Software Recommendations.

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