Facebook Timeline – Max Aspect Ratio Before Center Crop


We have this page, which includes a hidden image, at line 856 of the source code in format 726px x 226px.

<img style="margin: 0px;" class="facebook" alt="toolbox" src="/images/stories/media/Facebook/toolbox.jpg" height="38" width="100" />

When we press the share button below, we get
http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php, which shows the image fine.

Not Cropped

This is setup with Facebook meta tags:

<meta property="og:title" content="Parents Inc." />
<meta property="og:type" content="non_profit" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://theparentingplace.automatem.co.nz//images/stories/media/Facebook/toolbox.jpg" />

In a "classic" Facebook profile, the image looks fine as well. However, when you switch the Facebook profile to timeline view, a centre crop is applied, cutting out the right and left side of the image.

Cropped image

The only documentation on Facebook share images I can find says the maximum aspect ratio is 1:3—this must have changed for Timeline. What is the new maximum aspect ratio?

Best Answer

Refer mentioned information at Facebook Share:

The og:image is the URL to the image that appears in the Feed story. The thumbnail's width AND height must be at least 50 pixels, and cannot exceed 130x110 pixels. The ratio of both height divided by width and width divided by height (w/h, h/w) cannot exceed 3.0. For example, an image of 126x39 pixels will not be displayed, as the ratio of width divided by height is greater than 3.0 (126/39 = 3.23). Images will be resized proportionally.

Refer some related bugs posted on Facebook Developers:

Timeline Information