Facebook – Twitter and Facebook time difference by one hour for post before 13 Mar


This is simple enough question. I know daylight saving time but I am living in non-DST place and still confused. I have a few posts, posted before 13 Mar via TweetDeck which post to Twitter and Facebook at the same time. Now, viewing the posts the Twitter and Facebook times are different by one hour. Facebook is one hour earlier Twitter. Either Facebook or Twitter are not handling DST properly. It is hard to search for this since both names are used in almost modern web sites. Why is no one from non-DST place blogging about this?!

After calculating for several hours my confidence level is still in between because I don't know which is using local time or UTC on their server, which is calculated +7hr/+8hr manually or automatically to get UTC time. I still don't know which may use standard time instead of DST enabled on the server. There are so many possibilities unless there is any Facebook or Twitter developer here that can explain their server time settings and how they calculate to display the time.

This is one of the example:


Which one is right?

Best Answer

You may need to check your settings on both services to make sure you have chosen the correct time-zone. If you're in a country that doesn't observe DST, make sure you select the correct time-zone or un-tick the box to adjust for DST. I honestly don't use Facebook or Twitter (I'm a bit of a paranoid security geek), but I do know that Facebook won't let you change your time-zone after your account is set (Facebook Help Centre). And Twitter, on the flip-side does "hours ago..." rather than a specific date/time. There might be an account-setting that adjusts that to your local time-zone, but that's up to you to look for.