Facebook – Twitter won’t link to Facebook


I had previously linked my personal Twitter and Facebook accounts, then unlinked them.

Now I am trying to link them again, and no matter what I do, I get the following message:

"You're currently logged in to Facebook with a different account than the one you have linked to."

I have deleted the app within Facebook itself. At this point, I try to link the accounts again from Settings->Apps->Facebook Connect. It then says "Continue as [my name]?" So clearly it detects that I'm logged in under my name. And yet at the end, I get this same error message.

Clearly, I am not logged in to Facebook with a different account. What happened?!

Best Answer

I just logged out of both Twitter & FB on Chrome, opened Internet Explorer/Edge/whatever, logged into Twitter & voila! That finally worked. I was able to link my Twitter account to Facebook.